General Information


Area: 659.9 sq km (254.8 sq miles).

Population: 4,017,733 (2000).

Population Density: 6088.4 per sq km.

Capital: Singapore City. Population: 3,163,500 (1998).

GEOGRAPHY: The island of Singapore is situated off the southern extremity of the Malay Peninsula, to which it is joined by a causeway carrying a road, railway and waterpipe. The Johor Strait between the island and the mainland is about 1km (0.8 miles) wide. The Republic of Singapore includes some 64 islets. It is a mainly flat country with low hills, the highest being Bukit Timah at 163m (545ft). In the northeast of the island, large areas have been reclaimed, and much of the original jungle and swamp covering the low-lying areas has been cleared.

Government: Republic. Gained full independence from the UK in 1965. Head of State: President Sellapan Ramanathan since 1999. Head of Government: Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong since 1990.

Language: The four official languages are Malay (the national language), English, Chinese (Mandarin) and Tamil. Most Singaporeans are bilingual and speak English, which is used for business and administration.

Religion: Taoist, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu and Muslim.

Time: GMT + 8.

Electricity: 220/240 volts AC, 50Hz. Plug fittings of the three-pin square type are in use. Many hotels have 110-volt outlets.



Full IDD is available. Country code: 65. Outgoing international code: 001. International calls can be made from public pay phones using a credit card or a phone card (S$2-S$50) available from Telecom centres and retail outlets. IDD calls made from hotels are free of surcharge.

Mobile telephone

GSM 900/1800. Network operators include MobileOne (Asia) Pte (website: and StarHub Pte (website: and Singapore Telecom (website:


There are services at many major hotels and at the Telecoms buildings in Robinson Road and Exeter Road.


Internet cafes throughout Singapore provide public access to Internet and e-mail services. Main ISPs include Cyberway Pte (website: and Singnet (website:


Telegrams can be sent from post offices, hotels, the Central Telegraph Office at 71 Robinson Road and the Comcentre near Orchard Road.


Airmail to Europe takes up to a week. There are limited postal facilities at many hotels. Post office hours: Mon-Fri 0830-1700, Sat 0830-1300. The airport and Orchard Point branches are open daily 0700-1900. The General Post Office on Fullerton Road (near the river) and the Comcentre near Orchard Road are open 24 hours.


Warm and fairly humid summer temperatures throughout the year (approximately 30oC/86oF during the day and 23oC/74oF in the evening). There is no distinct wet/dry season. Most rain falls during the northeast monsoon (November to January) and showers are usually sudden and heavy.

Required clothing: Lightweight cottons and linens.